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 "Adele Dubois brings finesse and grace to the page.
Captivating characters and tightly woven
plots give readers a fabulously robust story."
~ L.A. Banks, NY Times Best-selling Author



Adele Dubois is a former newspaper and magazine columnist, features writer, and foreign correspondent published in the Caribbean, UK, and USA.

When not on the beach by the ocean, or walking along the quiet shores of a Delaware bay, she and her family enjoy their rural eastern Pennsylvania home where she is currently working on her next novel.


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"A first class reading experience!"
~ The Romance Studio

What is your favorite color?

-- Red. I like red lipstick, red sports cars, red earrings, and red sweaters.

What is your favorite quote?

-- “It is easier to criticize than to create.”  --Unknown

What do you do in your spare time?

-- I am a tad workaholic, so I don’t carve out much spare time away from family, writing, submitting new works, promoting current works, and meeting with other writers who are also my friends. We enjoy lively lunch dates to help each other fill plot holes, world-build, celebrate career milestones, or soothe disappointments. When I do finally take a work break at night, I watch television or read. My favorite television shows are dramas and a few reality shows. I love “24,” Medium, Law & Order CI, Survivor, The Amazing Race, The Closer, Burn Notice, Judge Judy (she’s so delightfully irascible!) and a few others.

What is your favorite pastime?

-- Sunbathing on a beach by an ocean. For me, nothing beats beach life. I plan to live by the beach full-time someday. I don’t need anything fancy, just a little place filled with seashells, books, my laptop, and some suntan lotion. Beach life slows my workaholic nature and brings me balance and peace of mind. I exercise more, sleep better, and write more fluently near the sand and water. When I’m recharged I head to the casinos to gamble a little. :)

What music do you listen to?

-- I have extremely eclectic tastes in music. My car is tuned exclusively to Country radio. I love, love, love Country! Some of my favorite artists are Gretchen Wilson, Josh Gracin, Toby Keith, Sara Evans and a few others. These singers and songwriters stay true to their art and themselves. The stories behind their climbs to fame are testaments to the power of persistence and belief in oneself. I listen to Country for fun and relaxation.

While writing, I listen to Andrea Bocelli, Josh Groban, Il Divo, Vittorio, and master cellist, YoYo Ma. Tenors, especially, help me channel my emotions into my work.

If I’m working around the house doing chores I listen to Sheryl Crow, Bonnie Raitt, Norah Jones,
The Dixie Chicks and other female artists. They empower me! Female vocalists get me moving.

If I’m feeling nostalgic I play Bob Marley, Fleetwood Mac, Queen, The Beatles.

What are your favorite kinds of movies?

-- I am an adrenaline junkie. My favorite movies are action adventures, dramas, and thrillers.

What books do you like to read?

-- I read books written almost exclusively by women. My tastes run the gamut from fast-paced urban fantasies and paranormals to dramatic women’s fiction, erotic romance, and literary fiction. I read both print and e-books.

Who are your favorite authors?

-- This is a tough question to answer! I like so many authors. Depending on my mood I read Laurell K. Hamilton, J.D. Robb, Diana Gabaldon, Sara Paretsky, Patricia Cornwell, or Sue Grafton for action, mystery, and adventure. When I need something soothing I read Mary Alice Monroe, Susan Wiggs, Sue Monk Kidd or Rosamunde Pilcher. I also think Tabitha King is an extraordinary writer. I’ve read all the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling.

What are you reading now?

-- Books by Ellora's Cave authors.

Where do you get your ideas?

--There are so many story ideas crammed inside my head I will never have the time, energy, or longevity to turn them all into books. My ideas are often sparked by real life incidents that turn one brief moment into a series of plot points.

What are your favorite scenes to write?

-- Writing dialogue is the most creative for me, since I enjoy getting into the characters’ heads. Sex scenes, though, are absolutely the most fun! Editors and critique partners tell me I write scorching hot sex scenes. Let’s see what readers and the reviewers have to say.

What is your favorite genre to write?

--My books are all contemporaries with strong sexual content. Whether I’m writing erotic romance, single title romance, mainstream fiction, or paranormal fiction I prefer everyday heroes and heroines who deal with extraordinary circumstances in our familiar world—even if that world has paranormal layers or is set in the future. You won’t find people or planets in my books that have names with so many consonants they’re unpronounceable. That’s just not my style.

What are your favorite books on writing?

--GMC by Debra Dixon, The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler, On Writing by Stephen King, Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass, and The Dreaded Synopsis by Elizabeth Sinclair.

What advice can you give for an aspiring writer?

--I’m going to tell you what others might not be willing to say. Really. The publishing industry is like a giant machine, and you can get so caught up in the treadmill of conventions, conferences, meetings, signings, blogs, website building and online group chats that you neglect your writing. FOCUS YOUR ENERGY ON HONING YOUR CRAFT. If you do that, everything else will fall into place when the time is right.

Most important, DO NOT submit queries or partial manuscripts to agents or editors, or pitch them at conferences, until you have a 100% COMPLETED manuscript that has been revised, polished, and spit-shined to glossy perfection, ready to show the instant the opportunity presents itself.

If an agent or editor requests a full manuscript after your submission of a partial, and you’re not ready to send it immediately, your opportunity is lost. An editor or agent won’t wait around for you to finish your book in order to read the rest of the manuscript. And you very well may tick them off. They’ll shout “NEXT!” unless you’re the new J.K. Rowling. Be fully prepared before you step into the publication arena.

Now I’ll tell you something that may surprise you. I suggest you wait until you have at least TWO completed manuscripts ready before you seek publication. A book in the wings will take tremendous pressure off your shoulders once your first book is sold. With a second book finished, you can be writing the third while the first is released and the second is in the submission or production process. You’ll be extremely busy with promotion on the first book, which takes time away from writing. With two books done you won’t have to panic while working on book number three. It buys time.

Having a body of work completed before you seek publication also gives you choices on which book to pitch, depending on the circumstances. The first book you write is not necessarily the first book you’ll sell. Be prepared for the agent/editor question, “What else do you have?” Have your manuscripts ready to send. Be a polished professional right from the start.

Good luck!

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